Thursday, July 24, 2014

Learning music early builds up brain's reserves CBC News Posted:Jan 09, 2014 8:46 AM ET Childhood music lessons could pay off in protecting the brain against dementia decades later, even in those who don't continue to play, researchers are learning. In one study, children who played instruments performed better on memory tests even decades later. Music training benefits the brain's cognitive function. Neuroscientists in Illinois tested for delays in how the brain responds to fast-changing elements of speech. Learning to play an instrument early in life can help the brain decades later, even if the instrument isn't played during adulthood. (iStock) "The elderly who knew music or they were a musician at one point in their life, they were protected from this normal decay in the discrimination of the sounds," Fornazzari said. The advantage of learning to read music is it activates many areas of the brain, scientists say. It's thought that learning music or a second language builds up reserve capacity in the brain to help hold dementia at bay. Did I mention that I teach beginning guitar in Highlands Ranch, CO?