Saturday, April 4, 2009

It's a God Thing...

Sometimes when we see those around us in need, crying out for mercy, or love, or even just a helping hand, we turn the other way and pretend not to notice. It makes us feel uncomfortable.

My 18 year old daughter (Lisa) had recently started a job at Home Depot as a cashier. Saturday morning she had to go to work early. When she got to work, she realized that she would be working outside in the nursery department at Home Depot. She called me (early on MY Saturday morning), and asked if I would come down and bring her coat, and a Starbucks coffee.

Naturally, I grumbled. Saturday morning was my day to sleep in, relax, read the paper, etc.

Ultimately, I felt a need to get out of bed, get dressed, and drag myself to Starbucks to get my daughter's coffee (she was cold and needed my help).

There was long line in front of me at the coffee shop, but I waited patiently for my turn. I noticed that the guy waiting in front of me had a shaved head, multiple tattoos, and was shabbily dressed. His appearance made me feel a little uncomfortable, but I didn't think much more about it.

When I finally ordered my daughter's coffee, and was ready to pay, the clerk said that "the coffee was already paid for". She said, "Consider it a blessing".

I'm sure I must have made a strange face, as the guy with the tattoos (waiting on his coffee order) just smiled.

What the clerk did not tell me was that this disturbing-looking tattoo guy had paid for his coffee AND the coffee for the next two people in line. He instructed the clerk to not say anything. I watched the next lady in line after me order her coffee. She got the same message from the clerk, and made the same happy, puzzled look.

Ultimately, both of us realized that the tattooed man in front of us had given us this gift, and we thanked him. He was not looking for thanks, just the happiness he saw on our faces as we received his random gift from his heart.

When the tattoo man left, the lady and I discussed our experience. When I told her "the rest of the story" about my daughter, she started to cry. She said that in this small act, God had helped renew her own faith.

As I see it, by getting out of bed and driving over to Starbucks to help out my daughter, God PUT me in line behind this tattooed man, and gave me the gift ( of free coffee) for helping those in need.

Was this just an amazing coincidence? I don't think so!

I believe that when we consciously decide to help someone else (even when it hurts to do so), that God will reward you and others in beautiful and wonderful ways. God IS alive and well in our communities today.

Although this was just a small thing, I believe that this was truly a "God" thing...

Please send me your own "It's a God Thing" stories, so we can share and inspire each other.